Orientation Toolkit

Orientation Toolkit

New to tobacco prevention and control in Wisconsin?

This orientation will provide you with an overview of priority information and resources needed to begin working in the field.

Tobwis is comprised of five main sections, organized by the buttons at the top of the page.

Read below for what to expect from each section.

Tobwis Home

  • Recent tobacco prevention and control news
  • Local alliance spotlights
  • Other relevant updates, like new resources


  • Lists Wisconsin tobacco prevention and control movement staff and organizations
  • Allows you to find contact info for staff and organizations in your area
  • Your profile info goes here -- allowing you to share about yourself!


  • Allows you to search for resources by various topics and types


  • Contains toolkits on various tobacco-related topics
  • Each toolkit contains background information and a collection of resources and references on its topic
  • Additional pages of the toolkit may be listed in the right hand bar, as well as other related toolkits

Health Equity

  • The Health Equity Hub is a collection of health equity resources, including the Health Equity 101 Modules
  • Use the navigation on the right bar to explore the Hub
  • Resources are organized by:
    • Understanding Health Equity
    • Applying Health Equity
    • Topic-Specific (e.g., race, LGBTQ, intersectionality, etc.)
  • Provides information on getting involved in statewide health equity work through the Wisconsin Healthiest State Initiative (a program through the UW Population Health Institute MATCH Group)

Tobacco Prevention & Control Program Overview

Review the Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Overview for a brief program description.

WI Specific Tobacco Prevention & Control Plans

For a one page review of all the plans, visit the What We Work on and Why page.

You can also read the executive summaries of our state plans to get a snapshot of what we are working on in Wisconsin tobacco prevention and control.

Wisconsin History

Get a sense of tobacco prevention and control history.

Review the Wisconsin Tobacco Timeline with tobacco control milestones.

We admit it can all get a bit complicated at times. Check out how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together and how partners communicate.


The Tobaccotalk Listserv is a main source of Wisconsin and Program specific information.

Listing of other Communication and News Resources that might help.

We love Acronyms! Check out the Acronyms and Terms page for a cheat-sheet.


Wisconsin's tobacco control and prevention efforts contain a lot of moving parts. These links should give you an idea of how local Alliances and other partners all fit together.

Local Components

Statewide Components

How We Stay Connected

Find who you are looking for anytime in the Connect Section of tobwis.org.

National Resources

Here are a couple of go-to national partners:

TPCP is focused on increasing health equity by decreasing prevalence rates and preventing initiation among those who are most disproportionately impacted by the burden of tobacco. TPCP supports efforts through local and state partnerships to engage and reach these diverse populations and in populations where the need and potential impact are greatest. We want to demonstrate the importance of community support and involvement at the grassroots level to implement highly effective policy interventions that promote changes in social norms and eliminate inequities that cause tobacco related disparities.

Understanding Health Equity in Tobacco Prevention & Control

We encourage you to explore the Health Equity Hub, which contains a wide range of resources on this subject.


Social Determinants of Health

The conditions and factors in the places where people live, learn, work, and play that contribute to or detract from the health of individuals and communities.

Examples: income and social status, employment and working conditions, education and literacy, access to health services, childhood experiences, social and community supports, physical environment and safety, affordable housing, transportation

Health Disparity

Health disparities are differences in health outcomes and their determinants between segments of the population, as defined by social, demographic, environmental, and geographic attributes.

Health Equity

Health equity is the attainment of the highest level of health for all people regardless of the color of their skin, level of education, gender identity, sexual orientation, the job they have, the neighborhood they live in and whether or not they have a disability. Achieving health equity requires valuing everyone equally with focused and ongoing societal efforts to address avoidable inequalities, historical and contemporary injustices, and the elimination of health and health care disparities.

Health disparities are the metric used to measure progress toward achieving health equity; a reduction in health disparities is evidence of achieving health equity.

Maximizing Tobacco-Free Living Strategies to Advance Health Equity

The Tobacco Prevention and Control Program has developed equity oriented activities that focus on advancing health equity

  • Comprehensive smoke free policies
  • Smoke free multi-unit housing policies
  • Tobacco cessation services
  • Point of sale strategies to address access and exposure to tobacco products


CDC User guide: Health Equity in Tobacco Prevention and Control

A Practitioner's Guide for Advancing Health Equity: Community Strategies for Preventing Chronic Disease