- Tools for Sharing the Education Packet
- Back to School Resources
- Paid Media Campaigns 2024-25
Sharing the Education Packet
The 2024-25 Education Packet highlighting "The State of Tobacco in Wisconsin" is now available -- both in print and online. Please use the packet and the supplemental tools outlined below to help share these key messages with coalition members, during informational meetings, or in other community conversations.
- Presentation slides (PowerPoint, Google Slides, PDF formats)
- Presentation graphics
- Social media content
- References webpage (accessible via QR code/link on the packet)
- Additional facts, figures & talking points (Google Doc)
The Education Packet has customarily been posted on and the Partnership for Tobacco-Free Wisconsin websites. If you want to post the packet to your website, please include some context with the link or graphic. One suggestion is: "This document illustrates current issues in commercial tobacco prevention, treatment, and control in Wisconsin. To learn about and join local efforts, contact YOUR COALITION. Updated August 2024.”
Back to School Resources
As students return to classrooms in your area, please explore these resources and consider sharing information with district contacts, parents, and other community members:
- A Path Beyond Punishment, Rethinking School Policies on School Tobacco Use by Kayleigh Day and Emma Kane, as published in the Wisconsin School News
- Alternative to Suspension Program Grid - a comparison of online and in-person options for middle and high school students who violate school tobacco policy
- Alternative to Suspension Reframing - this chart highlights some of the most common barriers to implementing ATS programming and offers possible responses to these narratives, as well as links to more resources
- WAATPN/WTPPN Back to School E-newsletter - discussed by Edgar Mendez in the August 14 movement call, this communication includes information on youth tobacco use, back-to-school tips, help for parents, information on cessation programs for teens and young adults, and retailer resources
- ZYN 101: What to Know About Big Tobacco's Latest Addiction - an article from the American Lung Association about ZYN and other nicotine pouches that are gaining popularity among youth and young adults due to TikTok and other social media
Paid Media Campaigns 2024-25
Review the latest updates on current or upcoming paid media campaigns. We update this chart for you every month.