County-level data can tell a better story to stakeholders. Below are county-specific tobacco and overall health information for counties throughout Wisconsin. More granular data can also be found on already published community health needs assessments (CHNA) or county community health improvement plans (CHIP), which can be found on hospitals’ or counties' websites or via Google search.
County Health Rankings and Roadmaps (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System)
- Tobacco and smoking patterns (ex: adult smoking, smoking during pregnancy)
- Income inequality
- Behavioral health (ex: mental health providers, poor mental health days, poor or fair health)
- Overall health outcomes
Department of Public Instruction Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Data
- County and Regional Reports with tobacco use rates if the county meets reporting criteria
Environmental Public Health Data Tracker
- Statewide and county-level data on environmental and public health issues (e.g., Air Quality, Asthma, Cancer, Heart Attack, Oral Health)
Local Data on Poverty and Insurance in Wisconsin (DHS)
- Poverty status and health insurance
Wisconsin Asthma Statistics
- Asthma statistics by county
Wisconsin County Cancer Profiles (UW-Madison)
- County-specific cancer outcomes and risk factors data
WI Interactive Statistics on Health (WISH) (DHS)
- Tobacco and smoking patterns (ex: cigarette smoking, smoking policy at work)
Wisconsin Public Health Profiles (DHS)
- Broad health profiles
Wisconsin Retail Assessment Project
- Compare county-level data to state averages
Wisconsin State Legislative District Health Profiles
- Generate county-specific health profiles featuring data on health outcomes, insurance coverage, and demographics
Wisconsin Wins
- County-specific compliance check data