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Alternative-to-Suspension for Student Tobacco Use Featured in 'Wisconsin School News'

Kayleigh Day of the American Lung Association and Emma Kane of Community Action for Healthy Living in the Fox Valley region were featured authors of a May 2024 article in Wisconsin School News, a publication from the Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB).

Titled “A Path Beyond Punishment, Rethinking School Policies on School Tobacco Use,” the article champions restorative programs for young people who smoke or vape at school. It does an excellent job of outlining the context, rationale, and steps for implementation and can be used as an outreach and education tool in the communities you serve.

Congratulations on this highly visible and well-crafted placement, Kayleigh and Emma.

A Path Beyond Punishment article headline set over a black and white image of vape smoke and a person's nose