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In The Spotlight

Earned Media Collaborations are Creating a Buzz

There has been an uptick in earned media collaborations between TPCP staff and our funded partners across the state.

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One of the most recent “wins” was an article about JUUL Settlement Funds helping young adults who vape, as published in the Badger Herald. When a DHS news release goes out, Gina Larsen, TPCP Communications, often fields the media inquiries. She then links the journalists to their local tobacco coalitions or to coordinators who are working on a project related to their story angle.

Here’s how TPCP can support you as you embrace these opportunities:

  • Gina will reach out to you before forwarding your name to the journalist to ensure you are available and ready to accept the inquiry.
  • Gina can tell you about the tenor of her interview and the journalist’s interview style. This may help you prep your remarks and know what to expect on the call.
  • Gina can send you talking points, if you like, or hop on a call to discuss the opportunity with you.
  • If you do a local interview and think that a journalist might like to also hear from a TPCP team member, please refer them to the DHS Media Line and tell them to ask to speak to Gina Larsen. Gina will happily link your reporter to other subject matter experts within TPCP and/or its funded partners, too.

Many thanks to all of you who jump on board and have these valuable conversations with members of the media.