News to Use: January 2024

Statewide Paid Media Campaign Updates

The Tobacco 21 campaign flight recently ended on Dec. 13. The Youth Prevention (Behind the Haze) campaign flight recently ended on Dec. 19. We will share campaign metrics and outcomes in the February issue of News to Use (N2U), as well as our plans for flights in 2024.

As always, review the latest updates on current or upcoming paid media campaigns. We update this chart every month.

Eight Weeks of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) Started January 1

As reported in the December 2023 issue of N2U, Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line Campaign restarted on Dec. 4 and will run through Feb. 11, 2024. As of January 1, the Quit Line is offering a full eight weeks of NRT to enrollees for a limited time. The paid media campaign assets are also being updated to reflect this special offer.

Thinking Locally: Please use these comms tools to share the 8-week NRT opportunity with the communities you serve.

8 Weeks NRT Template News Release 8 Weeks NRT Coalition Social Posts

Please Double-Check:

The correct texting number for the Quit Line is READY to 34191.

If you have the old number listed anywhere as READY to 200-400, the text will fail.

Smoke-Free Air on TPCP Web Pages

There is fresh content on the DHS landing page for TPCP on the subject of Smoke-Free Air in Wisconsin, especially at a time when the cigar bar bill aims to weaken smoke-free air protections for all Wisconsinites. This is a trusted link to more information on this important topic.

Please note: The TPCP web pages will be expanding in early 2024 to include separate tabs for smoke free air, menthol, and the JUUL Settlement. We aim to provide more public-facing in-depth and trusted resources to help in your local work.

New FY24 Local Communications Tactic: Community Award Nominations

Community award nominations are an approved communications tactic for FY24. These are opportunities publicized by local non-profits, chambers of commerce, or other community organizations for the purpose of recognizing leaders or volunteers while simultaneously raising their own visibility. For example, you may see a call for nominations for Women of Influence or a Youth Volunteer of the Year award. Consider submitting a nomination for yourself or a member of your coalition. If you’d like help to draft the nomination papers, please contact Gina Larsen or Annie Rosemurgy.

Media outlets who run these awards programs generally spotlight all nominees. There is an expectation that the winners’ organizations will place paid ads upon being notified their nominee has won the award. In this situation, paid advertising is also sanctioned.

Updated Wisconsin Adult Tobacco Data

Wisconsin Tobacco Facts: Adults (December 2023) was recently published by Karen Palmersheim, PhD, Associate Scientist and Principal Investigator for Tobacco Surveillance & Evaluation at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Center for Urban Population Health.

The report includes the most recently available data on trends in tobacco use, tobacco- related exposure, and attitudes among Wisconsin adults. Data are primarily from the Wisconsin Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

Thinking Locally: TPCP plans to produce an Adult Prevalence Fact Sheet in early 2024, and we will share it with you, along with comms tools to help in your local work.

Paid TPCP Media Campaigns: 2023-24

Review the latest updates on current or upcoming paid media campaigns. We update this chart every month.

Please contact Gina Larsen or Annie Rosemurgy with questions or suggestions about this and future issues of News to Use.