Health Equity Resources


See below for a collection of health equity resources.

Note that some resources may appear under more than one category.

Understanding Health Equity

Online Training

  • Health Equity 101 Modules (MATCH, WiCPHET): Three introductory online training modules about health equity, geared toward public health professionals and students
  • The Roots of Health Inequity (NACCHO): Online course that introduces the public health workforce to concepts and strategies for addressing the root causes of health inequity in their everyday practice
  • Healthy Equity and Environmental Justice 101 (Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment): Online training (45 min) about the basic principles of health equity and environmental justice

Foundational Reading

Videos and Podcasts

Resource Collections

Applying Health Equity

Organizational Assessments



Policy Resources

Case Studies and Examples

Narrative and Messaging

Action Opportunities

Topic-Specific Resources


  • Spent: Online simulation activity to help participants understand the daily struggles of workers with low-wage jobs


Implicit Bias



  • Tobacco Control in LGBT Communities (Truth): Short video about tobacco use among the LGBT population through personal stories and expert insights
  • Diverse & Resilient: Milwaukee-based organization with resources and trainings about centering the needs of LGBTQ people
  • LGBT Healthlink (CenterLink): Community-driven national network of experts and professionals enhancing LGBT health
  • National LGBT Cancer Network: Organization with resources, projects, and campaigns related to cancer in LGBT communities
  • FORGE: Organization providing direct services as well as training and technical assistance on serving transgender individuals

Mental Health


Race & Ethnicity

  • Tobacco, COVID-19, and Racism: One page (front-and-back) educational resource detailing the interconnected relationship of tobacco, COVID-19, and racism as public health issues
  • Health and Racial Equity Resources (MATCH): Collection of recommended resources organized by where you/your organization are at in your equity journey
  • Fakequity: A blog focused on avoiding "fake equity" and turning racial equity into action
  • Wisconsin First Nations Education: Collection of resources for learning about Native American and American Indian history
  • Reclaiming Sacred Tobacco (PBS): Video showing MN American Indian traditional practices
  • The 1619 Project (NYT): Series of articles that aim to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of Black Americans at the center of our national narrative
  • Race: The Power of an Illusion: Documentary that encourages viewers to scrutinize their own deep-seated beliefs about race and explore how our social divisions are not natural or inevitable, but made
  • 13TH (Vernā Myers): Documentary about the 13th amendment, which supposedly ended slavery, but in fact evolved slavery into mass incarceration
  • Race Forward: Organization focused on movement building for racial justice through research, media, and practice
  • Unequal Opportunity Race (African American Policy Forum): Short video providing a baton race metaphor for structural racism
  • Youth Tobacco Prevention (Community Advocates Public Policy Institute): Short video from Milwaukee youth FACT group detailing how they are impacted by tobacco
  • How racism makes us sick (David R. Williams): TEDMED Talk presenting evidence for how racism is producing a rigged system
  • Equity in Mental Health: Website with a framework and resources for advancing mental health equity for students of color
  • Systemic Racism Explained ( Short animated video explaining redlining and impact on communities of color

